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TIPS for effective stain removal

6 Basic Rules for Stain Removal

  1. Attend to stains as soon as possible, much more likelihood of success when it’s fresh, as opposed to 24 hours old or more.

  2. When tackling a stain, always start with cold water especially on stains of unknown origin. Hot water sets protein stains like milk, egg or blood, cooking the protein into the fibres. Hot water is fine for oily stains like butter.

  3. Flush the stain from the inside of the fabric to push the stain out of the fibres.

  4. Treat stains from outside in.

  5. Dab stains on delicate fabrics, do not rub or brush.

  6. Test the colour fastness on a small hidden area before treating the stain.

Products for stain removal

  • Gall Soap, Gall Soap Liquid 120ml and 300ml especially good for oil and grease. Super powerful, read instructions.

  • Stain Removal Spray especially good for delicate fabrics.

  • Bleach Complex and Stain Remover 450g and 5kg An incredibly effective product, completely FREE from any petrochemical bleaching agents It’s effective in the washing machine from 50°C + however if it can act for longer, e.g. having the laundry soak overnight in Bleach Complex, it’s effective from 30°C. Removes all oxidisable stains such as fruit, red wine, tea, coffee, grass, blood, etc. Prevents greying of white fabrics. Brightens yellowed and greyish laundry.

Types of stains and specific treatments

Fruit, grass and vegetable stains

Apply Gall Soap/Gall Soap Liquid, leave for a few minutes, rinse out and wash as normal. Please test the colour fastness of the garment on a small hidden area before treating the stain. 

Fat, oil and grease stains

Apply some undiluted Orange Power Cleaner, leave for a few minutes and then wash out. This is ideal for removing grease stains on delicate garments. Alternatively treat with Gall Soap/Gall Soap Liquid or Stain Removal Spray, see above.

Pen and ink 

Generally effective removal with Gall Soap/Gall Soap Liquid or Stain Removal Spray.

Milk, blood and egg-white stains 

Thoroughly rinse protein stains using cold water, then, if necessary, treat with Gall Soap/Gall Soap Liquid. Hot water sets protein stains.

Coffee and tea stains 

Pre-treat the stain with lemon juice or Laundry Rinse, rinse thoroughly and then wash as normal. Light fabrics can be washed as normal with Bleach Complex and Stain Remover 50°C, without any pre-treatment.

Cocoa and chocolate stains 

Spray on Stain Removal Spray and leave on to be effective for 10 minutes, then rinse or put garment straight into the washing machine.

Wax stains 

Place blotting paper on the wax and carefully warm with a hair-dryer. Remove the remaining wax with a solvent. Be careful with using a hot iron as the wax liquefies too quickly and can become fixed to the fibres.

Rust and old blood stains

Place the stain in Laundry Rinse, rinse with cold water and then wash as normal using Bleach Complex and Stain Remover, if possible.