10 TIPS to improve air quality in your home


Home is our sanctuary but is the air you’re breathing in your home uncontaminated? Furniture, cabinets, carpets, pressed wood products, cleaners, synthetic chemical fragrances, pesticides, adhesives and mould are just a few of the household contaminates that contribute to the air we breathe.

With a little homework there’s always healthier home options, organic latex and cotton mattress, organic cotton sheets, wool quilts instead of polyester etc.

1. Bring in plants

Plants are so amazing. Plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, they can also absorb toxic elements in the air, including formaldehyde and benzene.

Click here for Best Houseplants To Purify The Air

2. Get some fresh air

Open some windows on opposite sides of your home for cross ventilation. Should also be done in the colder months as well.

3. Air conditioning filters

Regularly change your air conditioning filters.

4. Avoid synthetic chemical cleaning products

Don’t replace dirt on the surfaces in your home with chemically laden cleaning products. Petrochemical residues just attract more dirt anyway. Clean with clean ingredients.

5. Avoid synthetic chemical air fresheners

  • Choose natural essential oils and a diffuser

  • Fresh fragrant flowers such as daphne and freesias

  • A bowl of quince fruit gives off a delicious fragrance

  • Baking Soda neutralises nasty odours

Two of our favourite cleaners that include natural and organic essential oils for a sweet smelling home are Orange Power Cleaner with citrus freshness and Multi Surface and Glass Cleaner with lavender and lemongrass.

For those that are even sensitive to natural essential oils then choose products from our sensitive range.

6. Candles

Paraffin wax candles are petroleum based; aside from their toxic fumes, most commercially sold candles are artificially scented, containing many different chemicals. Instead, look for cleaner burning pure beeswax candles with a cotton wick.

A beeswax candle is also said to be a natural ioniser when it is burning, purifying your air of dust, pollen, odours, toxins, mould and mildew whilst leaving a light, natural honey scent.

7. Dusting

Always wet dust, because dry dusting just spreads dust around. We recommend a clean moistened cloth and Multi Surface and Glass Cleaner. Throw it in the wash after use.

8. Vacuum and wash floors weekly

Wash floors with a removable cotton floor cloth that you can soak in Bleach Complex & Stain Remover, then throw in the washing machine the following day. Sponge mops just move the dirt around.

Use Sonett Floor Mopping Liquid or diluted All Purpose Cleanser for cleaning your floors.

9. Clay paint

Clay paint can contribute to better air quality in a number of ways, it’s nontoxic, making it ideal for those with chemical sensitivities. Clay has the ability to absorb toxins. It’s mould resistant and it releases negative ions into the air.

10. Remove your shoes

Think about the surfaces your shoes have been on. Make a practice of removing them at the door and slip into some comfy house shoes or slippers.


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